Regular price 333Fairy Stones resonate with the energies of comfort, contentment, safety, and nurture especially related to the aspect of “home”. Consisting of blobs of calcite that are believed to be flattened by thick sheets of frozen ice during the Ice Age, these specimens help one feel cozy and relaxed.
Rutilated Quartz is clear quartz with needles of golden rutile coursing through them. Vigorous and dynamic, rutile energy pushes through obstacles and challenges as if they weren’t there, just by its sheer velocity of its vibration. This energy is enhanced by its pairing with clear quartz which acts as an amplifier of the rutile energy.
These two crystals have almost opposing energies, one being centered and at ease, and the other being expressive and forceful. But there is a balance that can be created with these two energies. Not only can they co-exist, but they can support one another. When one can hold these contrasting energies skillfully, it results in a force field that can create magic in the energetic space between them.
This sterling silver cuff is ideal for someone of ambition who wants to create the energetic balance that wants to equally honor the work and home aspects of their life.